
I'M Anubhav Kumar

I am Full Stack &
MERN Stack Developer

About me!!!!!!

Web Developer,

Hello, My name is Anubhav Kumar. I am a Full Stack or Mern Stack Web Developer. If you have any project or if you want to make a website & software for your business contact me. I take my time to finish my work as soon as possible. You'll really like my work, if you don't I can make changes untill it will meets your satisfaction. My Always First Priority is a Customer satisfaction.I am also an upcoming Full Stack Developer majoring on Node Js, React Js, Javascript, Html & Css, Bootstrap, Express Js, MongoDB, MySql , git , linux , aws , Heroku, Postman API and SASS. If you have any project or any website you would like to be done faster don't hesitate to contact me.



Web Developer

I can design you a fully responsive website with Html, Css, React, Javascript, Bootstrap4 React js and Node js for the backend with any kind of database you would prefer but i like to use MongoDB OR MySql


Software Developer

I am able to design a fully responsive Software Express js for server side communication and Node js for the backend with any kind of database you would prefer but mainly MySql and MongoDB and also i have exprience to develop a website by using some life cycle methods.


Deploy & Host

I am able to host for you your responsive website or softwar . I am also able to deploy the Software in Aws or Azure according to funcitionality i can prefer that which can provide more reliable , scaling , performane & security

Contact Me If u have any project!